Monday, July 27, 2009

Hulala iPIX !

Hey Buckaroo!

I’m so Hulala excited about Hulala iPIX! This Hulala app is so coolala fun, I can’t put it down! I love the cheeky-cow frame, of course! It moos! You know I love cows and cows love me! So that moo-frame is definitely my favorite! With Hulala iPIX I can turn all of our Hulala Girls’ pictures into picture postcards and email them to Hana, Mele, and all of my moo friends! Oh, did you hear that frog when you upload your pictures on to Facebook? That’s just bombodacious! I love my iTouch even more now! Surf to the iTunes store and download Hulala iPIX if you’ve got an iPhone/iTouch! Be sure to tell all of your friends! Catch y’all later!

Here is the direct link to iTunes Store:

Also, Click here to visit Hulala iPIX Homepage!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Coolala Wind Farm!

Howdy! I'm so lava excited about National Green Week! Air is my element so I'm particularly fond of green projects that harness my own elemental power to create alternative energy. That's super coolala cool!

So, I'm off to researching more news on wind farms, and I hope more will pop up this year! Yep! Here it is! According to this article, more wind farms will be up along the New Jersey coast just in the US! I Hulala-Lava-Love it! I wonder if I could find more in other countries...

Now, I have a couple of questions about these wind farms. If anyone knows the answer, please share! But if you have questions like me, go ahead and share them, too! And if you answer my question with a question, that'll be coolala!

Question 1.
Hana, Mele, and I like to ride our bikes, and we go really fast! I wonder if I could install generators on all of our bikes so we capture the energy into a box, kind of like a battery. We can then take the mobile battery home to power our computers later. What do you think of that idea? Coolala or Boolala?!

Question #2.
We live on the top of a hill, and our hut gets strong winds. Sometimes I feel like I'm being blown away! So I'd like to install windmills on top of our hut so we use this energy to generate electricity. Then may be we can somehow store the energy, like I say in question #1, and use that battery box to power the house later when we need to. How does that sound? Is it doable, or am I just crazy? Do you have any coolala ideas on how to capture wind energy? Don't worry, I like wacky! It can be a lot of fun!

Ok, got to dash out to work on my windmills...check back later!

Click here to read more:

Go Go...Geothermal!

Howdy! Here’s my idea for Lava-Love Mother Nature Month! I snuck out today without anyone noticing and I caught sight of something CowaCowaBunga Cool! I bumped into a bunch of scientists and watched them tinker with some giant machines. They were trying to extract steam heat from deep within the Earth’s crust to generate electricity to power our homes, computers and iPODs! They call it geothermal energy.

Geothermal means heat from the earth. The energy is clean, reliable and plentiful. It’s a great renewable fuel source that most people have not even heard of! Why? Cost. It’s very expensive to build the giant machines to extract the heat from mother earth. But with so many smart people working on it, they’ll figure out how to make it happen! Sounds coolala CowaCowaBunga, huh? Most people have heard of wind and solar as alternative energy sources, but geothermal, I HUALA-LAVA-LOVE it!

Did you know that according to the Earth Policy Institute, there is 50,000 times more heat energy contained in the first six miles of the Earth’s crust than in all the planet’s oil and natural gas resources? Click here to get the lowdown on geothermal! Hee Hulala Haw!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Howdy...I am Hulala Girl SKYE, Princess of the Skye

Good day to ya'll.

My name is Skye and I've just joined my Hulala best friends, Hana and Mele, on It's a fine place to be, and I am Hulala Lava Excited!

I'm super interested in green projects. And naturally, with air being my element, I am particularly excited about projects that harness the powers of air to generate alternative natural energy.

I would love it if you come and check out my CowaCowaBunga blog on and surf to CowaCowaBunga Blogs and make sure you click on my page (Skye). You see, we are having a friendly competition between us girls on which one of us actually gets the most clicks. I hope to win.

Okay, here is the direct link:

Please drop me note and tell me what you think.

Until then, let's shake it. And go Hulala Mana CowaCowaBunga!